peddling torture, part II

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John Yoo to tout book at SF appearance

By Josh Richman
Wednesday, January 20th, 2010 at 5:18 pm in Civil liberties, War on Terror.

John YooIf those activists who've dogged Cal law professor John Yoo - who as a Justice Department lawyer helped build a legal framework for the "enhanced interrogation" techniques many now consider to be torture and for other perceived Bush Administration transgressions - still can't find where he's teaching his current class, at least they'll know where he is for a few hours next week.

Yoo will speak to the Commonwealth Club of California about his new book, "Crisis and Command: A History of Executive Power from George Washington to George W. Bush," at 6 p.m. next Wednesday, Jan. 27 at the club's offices on the second floor of 595 Market St. in San Francisco. Tickets are available online and cost $12 for club members, $18 for nonmembers and $7 for students with valid ID; I predict the tickets will sell out and - no, really, I'm a little bit psychic - that the club's security will be expecting protestors to try to disrupt the event.

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This page contains a single entry published on January 21, 2010 10:16 AM.

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